We recognize that there are times when things go wrong. When this happens we want to respond to complaints swiftly and, where we can, try to put things right. We also value complaints for the feedback they provide so when patients and visitors offer criticism – or praise – we listen carefully. We review all the comments you make and we use that information to improve our services and facilities even further.
Whatever you want to say, your opinions and comments are important to us – good or bad.
Normally, you must make your complaint within six months of: The event you want to complain about or finding out that you have a reason to complain, but no longer than 12 months after the event itself.In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to accept a complaint after the time limit. If you feel that the time limit should not apply to your complaint, we will request you to tell us why.
If you are unhappy with our facilities or service we want to know about it as soon as possible. We kindly request you to fill out a complaint form so that we can ensure we have all the details in front of us.
We will then investigate the situation so that we can explain, apologise and take positive action where necessary. If you tell us as soon as the problem arises, it can often be sorted out straightaway. In many cases, the person looking after you may be able to solve a day-to-day query. Otherwise, the Clinic Manager or Clinical Director will be happy to help.
We will always try to resolve your complaint quickly, within 5 working days if we can.
If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 2.
The Clinical Director is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation and is in the best position to investigate any complaint thoroughly and promptly. You or your representative (with your consent), can make a complaint by filling out this form.
Acknowledgements will be sent within three working days of receiving the complaint.
We will then reply in full as promptly as we can – usually within 20 working days.
If the investigation is still going on after 20 days we will write to explain the delay. In very complex cases, which may take more time, we will send you regular progress reports. We may suggest meeting you to talk through your issues and attempt to resolve them.
If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 3.
As a final resort, private patients have the right to take their complaint to an independent external adjudication.
This process is run by the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (email info@iscas.org.uk or telephone 020 7536 6091) who only become involved once you have been through Clarewell Clinics’ complaints procedure. If we have been unable to resolve your complaint, this process will be fully explained in a letter from the Clinical Director.
You may also wish to share your experience with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Although they cannot look into complaints about health care or social care services, they would still like to hear from you if you are not happy about the care you have received. This is because they can use this information when they are looking at individual services in England to make sure that they are meeting important standards of quality and safety. To contact the Care Quality Commission call 03000 616161, email enquiries@cqc.org.uk or visit the CQC website
Please request a complaint form via email by contacting _____________